If you are familiar with cPanel, you have probably already interacted with MultiPHP Manager, the famous tool used for setting and changing PHP versions in cPanel. Setting a PHP version in cPanel is very simple. 

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set or change a PHP version for your cPanel account or domain name using MultiPHP Manager. Therefore, whether you are new to cPanel or not, this article will benefit you. 

To set or change a PHP version for your cPanel account or domain using MultiPHP Manager, follow the simple steps below. 

  1. Login to your cPanel account. 
  2. Scroll down to the Software section and click MultiPHP Manager. You can also access this by typing MultiPHP Manager in the top search field/bar and selecting it accordingly. 
  3. On the resulting page, you will see a table with a list of all the domains active in your cPanel account. Select the domain(s) for which you want to set the PHP version. 
  4. On the PHP Version select field, click and select the PHP version of your choice and click the Apply button. 
  5. If successful in step 4 above, a success message will appear. In addition, the PHP version for the selected domain in the table/list will change to reflect the one you just set/changed to. 

Congratulations! You nailed it. You now know how to set or change a PHP version in cPanel using MultiPHP Manager. Moreover, it was that simple! 

Do you want to know how to set or change the PHP version in cPanel using the PHP Selector? Read our next article here! 

  • PHP, MultiPHP Manager, cPanel
  • 176 Users Found This Useful
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