CloudLinux comes with the PHP Selector as its core tool for managing PHP versions in cPanel, in addition to the default MultiPHP Manager that comes with cPanel. Therefore, if your cPanel server is using the CloudLinux operating system, you will need to use the PHP Selector to set or change the PHP versions for your hosting account or domains in addition to MultiPHP Manager. 

In a previous article, we discussed how to set or change the PHP version of your cPanel account or domains using MultiPHP Manager

In this article, we shall show you how to set or change the PHP version of your cPanel account or domains using the PHP Selector. And by the way, it's very simple and straightforward. Here are the steps. 

But hey, first wait. Please keep in mind that for the PHP version we are going to set in the steps below to take effect, you must first set the PHP version under MultiPHP Manager to the system default. Very important to note! 

Alright! Now that you have taken note of the above, and hoping that you have already set the MultiPHP Manager PHP version to the system default, let's now dive into setting our preferred PHP version using the PHP selector. Let's go! 

  1. Begin by logging in to your cPanel account. This is quite obvious but it's worth mentioning. 
  2. Scroll down to the Software section and click Select PHP Version. You can also access this feature by typing Select PHP Version in the top search field/bar within cPanel and selecting it accordingly when it appears. 
  3. On the resulting PHP Selector page, under My Domains and on the Current PHP Version field, click and select the PHP version of your choice and click Apply.
  4. If the process in the step above was successful, a success message will appear and the PHP version changes will reflect in the domains table/list right at the bottom of the page. 
  5. If any of your target domains doesn't have a CloudLinux icon against it (in which case it would mean it's still using the MultiPHP Manager), click Use PHP Selector just against it. 
  6. Navigate to the Extensions section at the top to select (enable) any additional extensions you might be interested in or deselect (disable) any extensions you don't need. 

Great! You are at it! You just learned how to set or change the PHP version of your cPanel account or domains using the PHP Selector. 

But remember, for your set PHP version to take effect, you must set your MultiPHP Manager PHP version to the system default. You can learn how to set or change a PHP version using MultiPHP Manager here

  • PHP, PHP Selector, MultiPHP Manager, CloudLinux
  • 456 Users Found This Useful
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