cPanel is our Linux based web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of managing your web site hosting account. As a website owner, you will often use this control panel to control and manage the various aspects of your website and server administration through a standard web browser. When you want to create a website, add a domain name, add an email account, add a database, and do other technical aspect of managing your hosting account, you will do it from within your cPanel.

Our control panel interface is easy to use and gives you the power to easily and quickly manage your hosting account and website. It is integrated with more than 73 website development software packages which you can easily install into your hosting account with a single click. These can allow you develop your website with a lot of ease. There is no need for being a master in any website designing markup language. No coding required. So anyone can develop a website online within this control panel. Plus, we have integrated in it more than 7500 downloadable website templates.

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