Creating Pages

To create a new Page, log in to your WordPress installation with sufficient admin privileges to create new pages. Select the Pages > Add New option to begin writing a new Page.

Organizing Your Pages

Just as you can have subcategories within your Categories, you can also have subpages within your Pages, creating a hierarchy of pages.

For example, a WordPress site for a travel agent may feature an individual Page for each continent and country to which the agency can make travel arrangements. Under the Page titled "Africa" would be subpages for Cameroon, Lesotho, Swaziland and Togo. Another parent Page "South America" would feature subpages of Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

The structure of the pages on the site would then look like this.

  • Africa
    • Cameroon
    • Lesotho
    • Swaziland
    • Togo
  • South America
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Chile

To create a subpage

  1. Go to Administration > Pages > Add New panel.
  2. In the right menu, click the "Page Parent" drop-down menu. The drop-down menu contains a list of all the Pages already created for your site.
  3. Select the appropriate parent Page from the drop-down menu to make the current Page a child Page.
  4. Add content to the subpage.
  5. Click Publish when ready.

When your Pages are listed, the Child Page will be nested under the Parent Page. The Permalinks of your Pages will also reflect this Page hierarchy.

In the above example, the Permalink for the Cameroon Page would be:
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