After your hosting account is activated, there are many ways in which you can develope and publish your website online. These include:

  1. Using Content Management System (CMS) scripts/software such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, LifeType, WebCalendar, CraftySyntax, PhpFreeChat, X7 Chat, b2evolution, Zoops, Magento, ZenCart, Tomato Cart, bbPress, MyBB, Advanced Poll, LimeSurvey, osTicket, MediaWiki, PmWiki, Wikka, JCow, ThinkUp and many other scripts readily available just within our hosting control panel. Jubilee Web Host has more than 100 scrpts that you can easily install within seconds with just single mouse click via the QuickInstall Service within your control panel, making your website up and running in minutes.
  2. Using BaseKit Online SiteBuilder. BaseKit is the world's most flexible website builder. It allows you to create professional websites from within your browser in just a few clicks. You don't need any technical skills, and there are lots of templates and widgets to get you started. BaseKit is also available within our control panel.
  3. Designing your website offline using any of the many readily available web design tools and then upload it to your hosting account via WebDisk or using an FTP Client.
Whichever method you choose to use, once you have published your website online, remember to delete the temporary index file which is automatically placed in the www or public_html directory of your hosting account after it is created.
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