Whois Privacy Protection or Whois Guard or ID Protection is the process of hiding your personal information associated with your domain name from the public whois records. This is also referred to as domain name privacy, domain privacy protection, identity theft protection, private domain registration among other terms.

When you register a domain name, you specify the contact details for four categories of persons. These include the registrant, administrator, technical and billing contact information. By default, this information is public. That means, this information will be available to anyone who queries the public whois database for information associated with the domain name. This level of transparency has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that your personal contact information will be exposed to even the spammer. As a result, sooner or later, you will start receiving unsolicited emails from such spammers and scammers.

To protect yourself and all contacts associated with your domain name, you need to hide the domain's contact information. And the only legal way to do this is by activating Whois Privacy Protection. This is also called Whois Guard or ID Protection.

When you activate Whois Privacy Protection or ID Protection or Whois Guard for your domain name, we shall replace your domain's contact information with that of our privacy protection unit or that of our domain registration partners, thereby hiding your personal information from scammers and spammers. Anyone querying the public whois for information about your domain name will see that of our privacy protection unit or that of our domain registration partners. This however doesn't mean that you will lose your domain's contact information. We shall keep an accurate record of your domain's contact information in our database. However, it will not be available to the public whois. 

Precisely, that is what Whois Privacy Protection or Whois Guard or ID Protection means. And, if you ever encounter anyone using terms like domain name privacy, domain privacy protection, identity theft protection or private domain registration, never get lost. He is actually referring to the same whois privacy protection, whois guard or domain ID protection.

Unless you intend to transfer your domain name within the next one or two days, we strongly recommend you activate Whois Privacy Protection or Whois Guard or ID Protection for your domain name.

You may follow our guide on how to activate whois privacy or whois guard or ID protection for your domain name here.

You may also want to read about how to update your domain's whois contact information to keep it accurate as required. Click here.

If you have no domain name but you would need one, register one here at the lowest rates on the domain market. If you already have one, you may transfer it to us to benefit from our low renewal fees.

  • WHOIS Privacy, ID Protection, WHOIS, Whois Guard, Whois Contact Information
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