When you signup for web hosting, your hosting provider will normally give you the nameservers associated with your hosting account. If they didn't give them to you, you may ask for them. Usually, this is not necessary if your hosting provider also doubles as your domain name registrar. This is because they will always do all the magic of ensuring that your website runs properly as intended. However, if your hosting provider is different from your domain registrar, then it's important for you to know your hosting account's name servers.

Nameservers are used for linking your domain name to your hosting account. Therefore, these must be set correctly at your domain name registrar to match with those associated with your hosting account.

In this article, I am going to show you how to change the nameservers of your domain name registered at Jubilee Web Host. If you have registered your domain name with a different registrar, you may have to reach out to them for their specific procedures. However, first reading this guide up to the end may help you easily figure out how to change a domain's nameservers even at other registrars. Now, let's go.

  1. Login to your billing/client area at https://clients.jubileewebhost.com/clientarea.php using your billing email address and password. Your billing email address is the one on which you normally receive invoice notifications and account specific information from Jubilee Web Host. If you can't remember your password, you can reset it on that very login page.
  2. Navigate to Domains > My Domains.
  3. Identify the domain name whose nameservers you want to change and do one of the following:
    1. Click the down arrow to the right of the domain and select Manage Nameservers.
    2. OR Click the down arrow to the right of the domain and select "Manage Domain", then on the domain "Overview" page scroll down "What would you like to do today?" and click "Change the nameservers your domain points to" or still on that very "Overview" page, click "Nameservers" on the left navigation pane under "Manage".
    3. OR Click the spanner icon to the right of the domain, then on the domain "Overview" page scroll down "What would you like to do today?" and click "Change the nameservers your domain points to" or still on that very "Overview" page, click "Nameservers" on the left navigation pane under "Manage".
    4. OR Click anywhere in the domain name listing (not on the actual domain), then on the domain "Overview" page scroll down "What would you like to do today?" and click "Change the nameservers your domain points to" or still on that very "Overview" page, click "Nameservers" on the left navigation pane under "Manage".
  4. On the "Nameservers" page, select "Use default nameservers" if you are hosting your website with us and your hosting account uses our default nameservers. Else, select "Use custom nameservers (enter below)" and type in your hosting account's nameservers as provided by your hosting provider.
  5. Click "Change Nameservers".
  6. Done! Congratulations! You have now changed your domain's nameservers!

NOTE: Our system will reject the nameserver changes if you specify invalid or unregistered nameservers.

If you are a reseller and have not yet registered your branded nameservers, you may want to read about how to register your private nameservers.

Still facing challenges changing your domain's nameservers? Contact our support team for assistance. Explore our support options here.

Don't have a domain name yet? Check out our list of affordable domains here or browse our limited time domain promotions here!

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