Unless you intend to transfer your domain name in the next one or two days, we don't recommend de-activating or disabling Whois Privacy or Whois Guard or ID Protection for your domain name. If you are planning to deactivate ID protection for your domain name because you intend to transfer it, the we recommend you re-enable it immediately the transfer process complete. 

If you are wondering what whois privacy or whois guard or ID protection is and why we recoomend you to leave it enabled for your domain name, read more in our article, "What is Whois Privacy or Whois Guard or ID Protection"  before continuing.

If you know how important whois guard is but still want to de-activate it for your domain name, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your client area or billing area at https://clients.jubileewebhost.com/clientarea.php.
  2. Navigate to Domains > My Domains. This will display a list of all the domain names you maintain with Jubilee Web Host.
  3. Identify the domain name for which you want to activate whois privacy or whois guard or ID protect.
  4. Do any of the following:
    1. Click anywhere in the domain name.
    2. Or  Click the spanner icon to the right hand side of the domain name.
    3. Or Click the down arrow to the right of the domain name followed by Manage Domain.
  5. On the resulting Domain Overview page, click Addons on the left navigation page under Manage.
  6. Under ID Protection, click Disable to de-activate the whois privacy/whois guard/ID protection .

NOTE: If you see Enable instead of Disable in 6 above, that means the domain's whois guard is already active. You don't need to perform any further actions.

Now you know how to de-activate or disable whois privacy or whois guard or ID protection for your domain name.

Should you wish to enable or activate the ID Protection of your domain name again, read our article entitled "How to Enable or Activate Whois Privacy or Whois Guard or ID Protection for Your Domain".

  • WHOIS, Whois Guard, WHOIS Privacy, Whois Contact Information, ID Protection
  • 230 Users Found This Useful
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