A Domain Name should be chosen as carefully as one chooses a business name. It should be easy to remember and at the same time say who you are and what your website or business is all about.

  1. Choose Popular TLDs:

    When on the market for a domain name, it is best to choose a domain which has the most popular TLD extensions available, primarily the .com. Try to secure: .com, .net, .org, .info and the domain names for any country you intend to conduct business in (For example: If you intend to do business in Uganda, ensure you secure the .co.ug also). You don’t need to make a website for each as you can use the “cPanel Redirection” or "domain packing" tool to redirect all of your domain names to one website.

  2. Get An Seo Friendly Domain Name:

    A second consideration is getting a domain name which can be picked up by search engines easily. The key is to have the word in line with your services or your business name somewhere in the domain name. This would give you a much better chance on getting on top of your service related searches LATER ON. Why do I say later on? Because having a good domain name  won’t mean a thing if your website has not been around long enough to pickup links from all over the Internet. So it’s not so important, but good to have.

  3. Go With A Domain Name That Is Not Easily Mistaken

    Don’t go with a name that is hard to pronounce or can be easily misheard. Go for something easy to remember, so when people refer your  company to their friends, they don’t mistakenly give out the wrong name.

  4. Keep It Short:

    Always keep your domain name short, simple and precise as long and complex domain names can easily be mistyped or misspelt.
  • Choosing A Perfect Domain Name, Domain Name, Domain Names, Domains, Choosing A Perfect  TLD
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